here is my dungeon
Here is Italian version of it
There u can also find "Editor files".
If u like adventuring and exploring, if u like smiling and remembering old times this is for u; i also put 55 secrets and 36 cammeos.
Thare are not many puzzles so if u like running to enter a door before it closes, or to think where you have to put a rock to open a secret passage, maybe u will find this poor. (btw even so there are hidden items, secrets, secret items, secret doors, secret buttons, secret walls, illusionary walls later on game, puzzles and time related puzzles, monsters u have to kill to get useful items, monsters that give u essential items and items u have not to waste, essentialy keys; so enjoy atmosphere, keep your eyes open, and don't rush skipping everything is possible...and remember that weapons don't grows on trees.)
Here u'r a castaway, so think to explore to find a way out of that island, keep your ass safe, run if u have too and/or retrace your steps. Dive into the atmosphere and enjoy the fun.
Find all secrets and all cammeos if u can.
There are some differences from main campain, mostly new spells, some items...everything explained during your game experience.
Secrets here are different from main game, here a hidden item, a hidden plain sight item or even an action repeated many times may be a secret (also secret passage and chests are secrets).
U can use any party formation, but i suggest to have at least 1 caster.
Old school mode suggested for better experience with those puzzles i put in.
If u find any bug, error, or something can be improved, please contact me or post it here.
Let me know everything u think about this dungeon.
Thank you.
First i have to tank everyone here on this forum that answered all my questions (minmay mostly).
Skuggasveinn for tutorial video and some models.
Phitt, Eleven warrior, Mysblade, Batty fore some models.
Jhaeleon for some spell or spells basics.
Sps999 for underwater breathing spell basics.
Jkos for some script.
Bongobeat for castle window model and lava object basics.
Daveyxo for lava sky.
If i missed someone just let me know and i'll add u.
CAMMEOS found so far from players:
Star wars
Lord of the rings
If u don't mind losing fun, here u can find some help,