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Re: [WIP] Fhizban's Imperial Armory (Update Nov 02)

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:44 pm
by msyblade
I like the system Fhizban, having something this large, organized like it is, will really make it a great resource for all modders, new and old.

Re: [WIP] Fhizban's Imperial Armory (Update Nov 03)

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:54 pm
by Fhizban
@msyblade thanks, i hope it will be big (one day). a realistic date seems to be by end of this year.

BTW: added 17 one-use spell-scrolls (inspired by another thread on the forum). item count is now 171

Re: [WIP] Fhizban's Imperial Armory (Update Nov 03)

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:02 pm
by cougardod
Here's a new dagger model I created if you want to add it to your armory.

Re: [WIP] Fhizban's Imperial Armory (Update Nov 03)

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 10:27 pm
by Fhizban
@cougardod thanks. currently im busy with icons and stats, but when the time has come, i will come back to your model

i had a bit of time left today and prepared all items so far. all icons are ready, the atlas'es work, its all there and functioning in the editor. next i will implement a very first version of the random drops - then i need one or two testers. after that - i would be grateful for any kind of magic items ideas you guys got. so please:

post all item ideas you got and you would like to share in this thread, i will look at the best ones and add them to my mod.

i'll be adding a dozen of potions and treasure tomorrow - this should bring item count to >200. then its all about the true magic item stuff!

PS: i just added the armory to my (WIP) mod, its really easy (copy two folders and add a single line of script). Its like Grimrock on Steroids!

Re: [WIP] Fhizban's Imperial Armory (Update Nov 03)

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 11:06 pm
by msyblade
I always liked the idea of a central hub Area/floor that you can recall/portal to.If its gonna be done right, we gotta find a way to mark where you tele'd FROM, or the player will end up on the outside of (now) broken puzzles. maybe some sort of "stealth" clothing. (short, triggerable invis effects, maybe?)

Re: [WIP] Fhizban's Imperial Armory (Update Nov 03)

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:03 am
by HaunterV
i like it for the adding to teh loot table.

Re: [WIP] Fhizban's Armory (Update Nov 04)

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:37 pm
by Fhizban
Nov 04: Various updates and additions (added 8 new container items, wrote the scripts for adding random loot to monsters, alcoves and spawning loot directly on dungeon tiles, fixed some bugs and started revamping all of the loot tables to fit future updates).

I also made a crappy movie (the program was trash and my mouse pad keeps sticking to my mouse all the time :-)

This is just a early "proof of concept"

BTW: some one knows how to embed a movie right into the post?

Re: [WIP] Fhizban's Armory (Update Nov 05)

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:03 pm
by Fhizban
more updates, got a bit of scripting done after work:

1. There is now a Drop rate, so loot is not automatically dropped and crazy amounts of loot piling up in the dungeon are prevented. in addition, the drop rate may be modified in various ways:

* the base drop rate is 15% and can be modified (global, counts for the whole dungeon)
* the drop rate increases by 5% per dungeon level, wich can also be modified (counts for one dungeon level)
* monster drops and alcove loot chance is +10% in comparison to random loot on tiles (you can alter this number)

2. the random drops can be placed in various locations, some of them are triggered via hooks - while others are pre-calculated once the game starts

* monster drops = onDie hooks of monsters
* alcoves & altairs = populated on startup (only those you wish to!)
* special dungeon tiles = populated on startup (only those you wish to!)
* breakable barrels = onDie hooks

3. loot drops are now categorized into tiers, the chosen tier is calculated from various factors:

* basic dungeon difficulty (global, counts for the whole dungeon, may be modified) +
* current dungeon level multiplied with a factor (the factor can also be modified) +
* the current, total party level
= the total is called treasure level and then cross-referenced to the matching tier

4. finally back to the drop rate: you can override the drop rate with a modifier. this enables you to create monsters or dungeon objects
that drop loot at higher rates then the usual dungeon objects found on that level. for example, the first dungeon level would have a standard drop rate of 20%. then you could make a side-boss monster with a +40 modifier (60%) and a final boss with a +80 modifier, who would have a guaranteed item drop every time he dies.

phew, thats all for today - thanks for reading!

Slowly, this all finds together to form something that i would call a complete script!

Re: [WIP] Fhizban's Armory (Update Nov 05)

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:55 am
by tymur
let me know when it will be downloadable
Thank you for your work.