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Re: The Mountain
Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:33 pm
by RMariano
I'm stuck in the bog.... Got them all nailed..... but cannot find a way out.
Re: The Mountain
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:13 am
by leewroy
That's cool, thanks dude

Re: The Mountain
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 5:45 am
by TheLastOrder
Dr.Disaster wrote:You might want to re-thing monster scaling.
Just downed Sir Alta who was not too tricky to do. Yet each of his sidekicks got at least 50% of his health and there is a lot of them! As comparison: the original rat boss in the sewers was as tough as his whole pack together. Alta's pack is at least 3 additional Alta's.
True that. I did it this afternoon.

ty for the feedback!
RMariano wrote:I'm stuck in the bog.... Got them all nailed..... but cannot find a way out.
Have you solved Reflexes's puzzle?
Have you read the 3 faces at the Earth shrine? I'd prefer not to spoiler you the answer, I'm sure you can figure out, it's really simple to solve if you read the faces at the shrine, or the note left by Ramdarok on it.

Re: The Mountain
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 6:34 am
by Dr.Disaster
I could use a few hints.
Fire essence: i know "Gravis aequalis Letis et Letis" roughly translates to "heavy equals light and/plus light" according to the hint scroll found in the maze yet i wonder what is considered heavy or light here. It seems adding up item weight alone ain't it; i've already tried that to no avail: putting in
mole jerky (1.4 kg) = rock (0.7 kg) + rock (0.7 kg) does not open the door.
Also tried alchemist recipes like light ingredients for heavy fire bomb but no dice.
Air essence: without a clue what to do 8 levers and 8 pressure plates labeled "I" to "VIII" plus 4 alcoves and 4 torch holders combine to a pretty high number of combinations.
Re: The Mountain
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:03 pm
by bacchus1974
I need help for puzzle archer's trial???? please
Re: The Mountain
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:19 pm
by Dr.Disaster
bacchus1974 wrote:I need help for puzzle archer's trial???? please
This one had me stumped a while too but carefull observation of the room got me the solution. The secret there is way easier to get!
All you need to complete the trial is located behind the locked door. You don't need anything else.
Pick up the stack of 4 rocks before the closed inner door. Again: you do not need anything else!
Place the rocks onto the pressure plates in a pattern related to archers or marksman in general.
There are hints (or landmarks) inside the room that tell where a rock has to go.
Full spoiler and solution:
Over each of the to-be-pressed pressure plates hangs a lantern. Place the rocks on them to draw a crosshair.
Re: The Mountain
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:29 pm
by bacchus1974
ok thanks i understand but i am need help now for puzzle Hidden ???
Re: The Mountain
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:53 pm
by Dr.Disaster
bacchus1974 wrote:ok thanks i understand but i am need help now for puzzle Hidden ???
One of the stone prophets in the swamp says that it's all about the tempo and he is right.
Each of the levers in The Hidden causes three clicks with a certain tempo. You need to listen very carefully to get it so best mute the ambient here. Once you know which lever causes what pull matching levers only and push the button.
Re: The Mountain
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:00 pm
by bacchus1974
ok thanks i understand i continu
Re: The Mountain
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:06 pm
by RMariano
RMariano wrote:I'm stuck in the bog.... Got them all nailed..... but cannot find a way out.
Have you solved Reflexes's puzzle?
Have you read the 3 faces at the Earth shrine? I'd prefer not to spoiler you the answer, I'm sure you can figure out, it's really simple to solve if you read the faces at the shrine, or the note left by Ramdarok on it.

Still stuck <sigh> Help!