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Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:43 pm
by Dandy
CrabStick wrote:
Dandy wrote:I don't mean to appear stupid but what do you do with the linked download file to get it to work? All I see are lines of script.
You can download the dungeon here:

copy the *.DAT file from the RAR to: My Documents\Almost Human\Legend of Grimrock\Dungeons, You might have to create the 'Dungeons' dir.
Thanks, that was much easier.

Update: Looking very good, can't wait for this to be finished.

Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:02 pm
by BlackHell
If you download my dropbox file you only have to make a new dungeon and copy my file into the folder. Then you have the ability to see, what i have done to build the dungeon. If you see something that i forgot or you see a bug, you can give me the informations about and i can delete the bug and upload it again.
The newest version is always available on Steam Workshop. I have some problems with nexus to update the file that i've always uploaded.

Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:59 am
by isamu
BlackHell wrote:If you download my dropbox file you only have to make a new dungeon and copy my file into the folder. Then you have the ability to see, what i have done to build the dungeon. If you see something that i forgot or you see a bug, you can give me the informations about and i can delete the bug and upload it again.
The newest version is always available on Steam Workshop. I have some problems with nexus to update the file that i've always uploaded.
This sounds interesting but can you describe in a little more detail how this remake compares to the original DM game?

1)What monsters, if any, are the same?

2)Are the secrets all the same?

3)The portals?

4)The timed puzzles?

5)Any dragons?

6)Is Chaos in it?

Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 2:50 pm
by BlackHell
1.) I use the herder as screamer. But if somebody can build 3D Models of the original monsters i surely will use them. At the moment i hope to find the right balance between the original monsters and the Grimrock Monsters.
2.) I try to make all secrets the same. Some need scripting some can be done with the tools available. I have issues with the fake walls so that i used secret buttons.
3.) Portals will be the same. Don't know why they should be not the same.
4.) The timed puzzles are difficult to make because i have sometimes to use secret doors. In the original the secret doors can be opend and closed in less then a second. The secret doors need four seconds to open.
5.) If there isn't anybody making a dragon, there will be no dragon.
6.) Chaos won't be there. I think it would need much scripting to make him real. Let's do it :)

Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 8:22 pm
by Audi Swift
looks very good but i am stuck at cast you influence cast your magic and might as i can not think this puzzle out it is on the lv3 choose your fate the 2nd one on the left side.


Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 9:23 pm
by Audi Swift
i have now got 3 spare gold keys & i am just after the blue crystle of life but the glod gate will not open have i got the wrong key ???

Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:34 pm
by truhlik
Audi Swift wrote:i have now got 3 spare gold keys & i am just after the blue crystle of life but the glod gate will not open have i got the wrong key ???
I got into the same situation.

Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:53 pm
by Audi Swift
did you get any further... ? if so how please.

Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 5:06 pm
by BlackHell
There are enough gold keys there to open all doors.
There isn't a "Open Door" Spell available at the moment. I try to use the blob spell but i have no luck with the scripting etc. So i found another way to open that door. Look around you and take a close look at all walls. There aren't any fake walls at the moment so that every fake wall has its own secret button. Later there will be fake walls without a button.

Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 5:24 pm
by Audi Swift
many thanks & i did that one however i found all the gold keys in the choose your fate mini puzzles, so i went to the locked doors \ gates & used the gold keys i found in the mini puzzles to open the 3 gold key \ gates doors in the bottom tight corner of the 3rd lv map choose your fate.

i went passed a life blue crystal then to another Locked gate \ door what needs a gold key & i have 3 on me but i can not open it, am i being daft or silly ??.
