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Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:35 pm
by Neikun
Is there a way to add ctrl+z/ctrl+y functionality? (undo/redo)
EDIT: Also, when saving animations, you can't see existing files in animation folders.
Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:02 pm
by JohnWordsworth
I would love to include an undo function, but it would be a lot of work to do a full undo chain. However, one of the two options might be possible...
1. Store the model that you originally loaded/last saved separately in RAM and add a 'Revert' option (so it would undo everything in one go).
2. Add a 'store snapshot' button and then a 'reload snapshot' button which basically does the same as (1) but lets you manage it yourself.
3. Simply store a snapshot of the last 3-5 operations and offer a very short undo queue. This could be a bit RAM intensive for massive models, but to be fair - nearly any model you will use in game will be fine with this.
I'll give it some thought - if you think any of the above options would be worth the effort, I'll see if I can fit them in!
Ahh, that's an easy one - I'll add it to the list

Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:11 pm
by Komag
I think even just a single undo would be nice, so 3 steps would be plenty!

Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:21 pm
by Xanathar
2. Add a 'store snapshot' button and then a 'reload snapshot' button which basically does the same as (1) but lets you manage it yourself.
This is what I did in the animation editor.
If you want to take the Clone methods and/or the snapshot management out of that, feel free to do it (it isn't much structured probably though). Clones are implemented as extension methods over the animation objects.
Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 2:02 pm
by Neikun
Snapshot implementation would work really well.
I, like Komag only had the imagination for one undo step.
Sometimes I'll make a change and I'll immediately want it back. My hand automatically shoots to ctrl+z lol
Edit: As always, thank you, John.
Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests
Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 4:41 am
by Neikun
Just a curiosity of convenience, how easy would it be to add to add uvmapping functionality to the program?
I recently exported a healing crystal that I had modified to .obj and the GMT turned it into five different models that load all in the same place. I needed it to export as is so that I could tackle uvmapping on the thing.
Point of interest: Regular healing crystals export into 5 models as well.
Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests
Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:41 pm
by JohnWordsworth
Unfortunately, UV Unwrapping and a UV editor would be a pretty big job. While simple algorithmic UV Unwrapping would be pretty quick, I think it would effectively be useless without an editor (how often can you simply use the UV unwrapped map without some tweaking?). With this in mind, I'd have to develop a new component to allow editing of UV data with all of the useful boxes and options that you might get in something like Blender.
While it would certainly be nice (and indeed possible), the problem with working on a project like this in your spare time is that you only get a couple of hours here and there - so something that might take a week of 'real work time' might take a month or two in spare time. I think I'd rather get the GMT as compatible as possible and make import/export more powerful and easy so that everything can be done in external software. This is mostly so that I can get some time building my own dungeons

Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests
Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 3:52 pm
by Neikun
Thanks John. I found an alternate route to my problem.
Also, now that it's not crazy late at night anymore, I think I have the patience to do it the long way.
You know what they say, how can you know if you don't ask?
Honestly, the GMT is better off without it (for now) as it's really only useful in very specific times where you want to keep every bit of data in the original model intact.
Merry Christmas! =D
Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:31 pm
by Neikun
Hey, you know what would be neat? The ability to drag model files into the GMT window to open them 0:
Re: [GMT] Call for Model Toolkit V1.0 Feature Requests
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:23 pm
by LordGarth
A toolkit that make vertex paints work and multiple materials too.