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Re: The Mountain
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:20 am
by TheLastOrder
bacchus1974 wrote:ok thanks for your help and now i need help for air essence i don t find how open the door to take air essence.
Check the face of stone you saw close to the ethereal dagger, in the first part of The Runner .

Re: The Mountain
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:42 am
by Frenchie
De external download doesn't work! You can't copy the e.g. link in that page and after you enter in manually you land at Gary's Mod. Some image of a guy either mugging or doing some sexual act, but nothing to do with LoG. Can't you upload to dropbox or Nexus instead? Not everyone wants to use Steam...
Re: The Mountain
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:46 pm
by bacchus1974
hello i think to be towards finish i am in dark tomb in the room with many buttoms on the wall .to move teleport and wall but i don t understand????
Re: The Mountain
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:59 pm
by RMariano
Dr.Disaster wrote:RMariano wrote:RMariano wrote:I'm stuck in the bog.... Got them all nailed..... but cannot find a way out.
Have you solved Reflexes's puzzle?
Have you read the 3 faces at the Earth shrine? I'd prefer not to spoiler you the answer, I'm sure you can figure out, it's really simple to solve if you read the faces at the shrine, or the note left by Ramdarok on it.

Still stuck <sigh> Help!
Compare the lever puzzle right beside the Hub teleporter with the one in the main campaign. You might notice a difference.
Still stuck..........

Re: The Mountain
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:21 pm
by Dr.Disaster
In the main campaign behind that gate of the lever puzzle is a power gem. Solving the puzzle opens the gate and allows you to grab the gem.
In the mod the gem got replaced with a teleporter. Solving the puzzle opens the gate and causes the teleporter to disappear. Unsolving the puzzle causes the teleporter to return. So while you can't take this ride how about letting something else do the trip?
Re: The Mountain
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:03 am
by bacchus1974
please i have need help for dark tombs i don t understand i am in a room with 10 buttoms and 5 teleports' i can move the teleport and the wall but what i do???
Re: The Mountain
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 5:22 pm
by RMariano
Have you solved Reflexes's puzzle?
Have you read the 3 faces at the Earth shrine? I'd prefer not to spoiler you the answer, I'm sure you can figure out, it's really simple to solve if you read the faces at the shrine, or the note left by Ramdarok on it.

Still stuck <sigh> Help![/quote]
Compare the lever puzzle right beside the Hub teleporter with the one in the main campaign. You might notice a difference.[/quote]
Still stuck..........

Compared and saw once open I put the branch in and it opened a new xporter... Still stuck plz help.
Re: The Mountain
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 6:11 pm
by Dr.Disaster
RMariano wrote:Compared and saw once open I put the branch in and it opened a new xporter... Still stuck plz help.
How about riding that one?
Re: The Mountain
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 8:01 pm
by RMariano
Dr.Disaster wrote:RMariano wrote:Compared and saw once open I put the branch in and it opened a new xporter... Still stuck plz help.
How about riding that one?
I did and it put me in the temple..... listened to the three heads.... went SW on the river and ... dead end.
Re: The Mountain
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:29 pm
by Dr.Disaster
RMariano wrote:Dr.Disaster wrote:RMariano wrote:Compared and saw once open I put the branch in and it opened a new xporter... Still stuck plz help.
How about riding that one?
I did and it put me in the temple..... listened to the three heads.... went SW on the river and ... dead end.
You're prolly doing something wrong then. When i step into that teleporter it does not send me straight to the temple.