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Hardcore mode
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:25 pm
by Megami
When some modding tools are available I would like to create a HC mode. I am a C#/java programmer myself on lookout for some ideas and possibly colleagues for the ultimate LoG HC mode.
So far I have come up with this list.
Top priority
- no possibility to save but crystals
- nerf the door trick (monster would attack immediately upon lifting the doors?)
- somewhat balance out the infamous 2x2 tactics (any ideas are welcomed)
- starving characters take minor damage periodically
- crystals are 1 use only ressurect-wise (optional iron man mode where crystals have only saving purpose)
Middle priority
- darkness is darker

(currently when no torch is lit I can still easily navigate myself through dungeons even on low brightness monitor)
- darken or completely remove the illumination spell (it renders torches completely useless save for few spots if a mage is present in a group)
- poison and disease are permanent (currently there is no point in using potions for them at all, they can be rested out... poison damage would have to be lowered though and poisoned character would receive no hp from resting).
Due to some initial confusion: yes, poison and disease can still be cured by potions, that's the point of this change. To make these potions useful.
Low priority
- weapon durability with no possibility of repairing but it would take some time for a weapon to break
- removing infinite food spawns completely (this would impose sort of time challenge on players with starving dealing damage so either add more food or make it optional)
The point is to have the HC mode, not the impossible to finish the game mode, so certain things will need to be thoroughly discussed.
The list will be kept up to date.
Re: Hardcore mode
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:34 pm
by Jack Dandy
Don't agree with some of these ideas (Permenant poison/disease? Yikes!), but I guess the best thing about mods is that everyone can have it their way.
Some ideas are great, like the "darker" darkness. Maybe it would be possible to implement a penalty when not near a light source, that will halve your weapon accuracy, and make it so missile weapons won't be auto-hit?
As for the door trick, I've been thinking about it- when opening a door, why not initiate a "cooldown" period for every member in the party? You can make opening doors count as an action, and then you wouldn't be able to just open a door, smack a monster, close it, repeat.
Re: Hardcore mode
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:39 pm
by Darklord
Megami wrote:
- poison and disease are permanent (currently there is no point in using potions for them at all, they can be rested out... poison damage would have to be lowered though and poisoned characted would receive no hp from resting)
Well using a potion is something you can during battle, I would recommend against sleeping during combat!

Also when you are short on food, sleeping to remove poison just means you use even more food up. (yes I did this and ran out of food)
Re: Hardcore mode
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:41 pm
by Jack Dandy
Wait, I just figured out that you meant "Sleeping won't cure poison or disease".
Hmm, yeah, that kind of makes sense. Personally, what I'd do was still keep the resting option, but when the character is healed he'll be at REALLY low life and would have to rest even more.
Re: Hardcore mode
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:06 pm
by Megami
I am afraid adding cooldown on opening doors would make the game feel a bit sluggish but can't say for sure until I see it in action.
As for antidisease & poison potions I haver never ever used them in battle. It is far better and convenient to just click on that red flask in the middle of the combat where every second counts. And when all monsters are dead I just park my party behind the nearest door, hit rest and wait until everyone is fresh and ready to go. Sure it consumes some food but not that much and with infinite food spawns it's not a problem to just stuff your inventory up with food.
Re: Hardcore mode
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:02 pm
by azraal
As for hardcore, I would see the old roguelike classic, if party is dead then all related save are deleted...
Or better: your next party start at the beginning of the game with the dungeon as you left it and can go(so think where and what you drop) meaning making respawn more ennemies...
The party start with a little bonus to xp and a basic starting equipment and you have to go all the way to where you were to get your stuff...
Re: Hardcore mode
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:50 pm
by SenSx
I'd love such a mod!
Top priority
- no possibility to save but crystals =>
- nerf the door trick (monster would attack immediately upon lifting the doors?) = > ???
- somewhat balance out the infamous 2x2 tactics (any ideas are welcomed) => ???
I'm not sure to understand, but do not transform the gameplay, keep its original feeling!
- starving characters take minor damage periodically =>
Why not but don't make it to damage to fast and not too much damage, you should do that if the starv jaug is very low, but you can also lower the stats
- crystals are 1 use only ressurect-wise (optional iron man mode where crystals have only saving purpose) =>
Middle priority
- darkness is darker

(currently when no torch is lit I can still easily navigate myself through dungeons even on low brightness monitor) = >
why not
- darken or completely remove the illumination spell (it renders torches completely useless save for few spots if a mage is present in a group) =>
I disagree, a mage makes torch useless, this is an advantage, don't remove it
- poison and disease are permanent (currently there is no point in using potions for them at all, they can be rested out... poison damage would have to be lowered though and poisoned character would receive no hp from resting) =>
Not good, add difficulty, but don't transform the gameplay, you have to be able to cure poison with potions. Instead forbid the players to use potion crafting during battles. I had a ridiculous fight like this, in which my char was getting damage from everywhere, was fighting back, and was crafting healing potions after using it, all at the same time...
Low priority
- weapon durability with no possibility of repairing but it would take some time for a weapon to break =>
Ouch I don't know about that, would be frustrating to have hes unique cool weapon destroyed, but it would add a true survival feel indeed
- removing infinite food spawns completely (this would impose sort of time challenge on players with starving dealing damage so either add more food or make it optional) =>
Are there really random food spawns? this should be top priority! remove infinite food!
Of course it has to be in hard mode, well that's just my opinions on it, nice ideas!
Re: Hardcore mode
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:58 pm
by Megami
You will still be able to cure poison with a potion. That's the point of my change... to make antidote viable. Currently you can just keep resting until your hero cures himself automatically.
Re: Hardcore mode
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:35 pm
by SenSx
I missunderstood, your statement.
I don't think poison should be permanent, maybe makes it last longer so that you have to sleep more if you don't have any
potion. Resting will make you eat more anyway, and with the food nerf, it will be alwready ahrder.
Cause if you don't have any antitode it means your char is dead
I only tried to sleep once to take away poison, and it didnt work, so it seems to me that it was lasting enough time, but i might not have tested this long enough.
Re: Hardcore mode
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:13 pm
by Saice
The door trick would be easy to fix.
Just let all mobs open doors like the Mini Cuthululs can.