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Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:15 pm
by BlackHell
I try to make a Dungeon Master Remake and i am not the only one :)
But i don't want to share my footsteps only in the Workshop so that no one else can edit them.
In this thread i want to share what i make and what "bugs" i am facing.
First i started Return to Chaos Editor and Exportet all level to bmp. I saw that the whole levelset is bigger then 32x32. If i use the stairs-down and stairs-up i can't draw all levels. If we could change the target of the stairs like we can change the target of Teleporters, this problem could be solved.
Then i opend the txt file from RTC and copied all the levels in a new file changing the 0 and 1 in "#" and ".". Then i opend the dungeons.lua and put in the level informations from the changed RTC file. After i made all levels to pass the 32x32 test, i could load them into the editor. If you try it without, you will get a failure of "invalid map desc length in map.lua". But it didn't say in which level.
You can get my dungons.lua from my dropbox ... ungeon.lua
At the Moment there are no doors and anything else in it. If you want me to paste the file here within the code tag, i will make t happen :)

If anyone wants to help me he can also write in German. My English is not good enough to tell all the things i want to explain :)

Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:23 pm
by Darklord
Sounds awesome! I can't help with the technical stuff, but I wish you luck! :)


Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:06 pm
by guigr
If I'm not mistaken, Grimrock doesn't allow teleporters to deflect/teleport spells which is used a lot in DM.
Maybe scripts can take care of that though.

Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:06 pm
by Magus
Nice, I love the old DM, wish you good luck with your project^^

Your problem with stairs..
You can't use the stairs because they have diffrent X and Y coordinates?
if thats the case, you can fix this by using hidden pressure plates, timer, teleporters and a little script.

I have a example map if you need one.

Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:44 pm
by BlackHell
I tried to solve the problems with the stairs with placing an invisible silent teleporter on the same place as the stairs but the stairs have higher priority as the teleporter. If i use only a teleporter it works. I have the teleporter to get a higher priority as the stairs so that i have the animation of the stairs but the end coordinates of the teleporter.

Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:05 pm
by Magus
Do you want to stay in the same level or
do you want to go a level down and then teleport the player to a xy coordinate?

Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:26 pm
by BlackHell
I want to teleport the player down to other coords then the stairs-down would lead him. Because the Maps of Dungeon Master aren't exactly over each other i have to make this trick to let the maps in the original size.

Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:38 pm
by Magus
Try my test map
I uploaded it as a .txt because i don't have dropbox :D

The right stair use a teleporter in level 2 which is deactivated except if you use the stair in level 1

Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:04 pm
by BlackHell
Ok. I see and understand what you did. You placed the Teleporter at that point at which the stairs would led you down and then port the player to the place where he should be. And after the port has done, the teleporter is been deactivated.
So i have to test, where the stairs will led me and then set a teleporter at this point if its possible.
In the second level there is a pressure_plate wich opens a door. I have to test, if the teleporter will port me fast enough so that the pressure plate won't be activated.

Re: Dungeon Master Remake

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:15 pm
by Magus
I placed a hidden pressure plate in the stair that activates the teleporter and the timer, the teleporter is placed below the stair so the player instantly ports somewhere else (even before the screen turns back).
The timer deactivate the teleporter after 1 second.

The only problem is if a player throws a item through the stair because the teleporter is off,
the item don't gets teleportet and the pressure plates don't activate because the item don't hit the ground.