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Intro and Ending

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:25 pm
by Redweaver
Hey guys! Been a nice long holiday break, and I hope everyone else had a good, relaxing fun time.

Now, break's over and it's time to get back to modding some Grimrock! Unfortunately, my holiday made me search-fu is weak.

I need to make intro and ending cinematics for my next dungeon and I'd appreciate it if someone could hook me up with a link that will show me how. Or if you're feeling very nice...I'd love for someone to throw me together a quick little thing that I can just copy/paste real quick and then modify as I need.

Thanks, y'all. I can't wait to show off my next dungeon!

Re: Intro and Ending

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:58 pm
by Drakkan
Redweaver wrote:Hey guys! Been a nice long holiday break, and I hope everyone else had a good, relaxing fun time.

Now, break's over and it's time to get back to modding some Grimrock! Unfortunately, my holiday made me search-fu is weak.

I need to make intro and ending cinematics for my next dungeon and I'd appreciate it if someone could hook me up with a link that will show me how. Or if you're feeling very nice...I'd love for someone to throw me together a quick little thing that I can just copy/paste real quick and then modify as I need.

Thanks, y'all. I can't wait to show off my next dungeon!
Hello there.

As for intro it´s quite easy. In mod_assets there is directory Cinematics and under it you need create intro.lua file (perhaps its there already). Now jsut insert commands, which allows everything to be displayed. Chceck here ... inematics/

as for the ending - create in the same folder file ending.lua and place in game script which will lead to it (there will game end)

Code: Select all

function endGame()
you can again edit ending.lua what will be displayed in cinematic.

Re: Intro and Ending

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:01 am
by msyblade
I made this prescripted one a while back, it has an onClick at end to insert your own credits. ;)
